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Xavier Naidoo - Verschieden

For more insight into the Bilderberg Group, a notorious club made up of powerful politicians and business leaders which is meeting in Spain, RT has spoken to author and economic researcher F. William Engdahl.

William Engdahl bei RT über Bilderberg

The Bilderberg conference is being held this year in a very secure hotel in the hills of a Spanish town called Sitges. Journalist Charlie Skelton from The Guardian has followed the secretive annual Bilderberg conference of leading global figures. The conference between heads of state and business leaders will decide the fate of the world for the next twelve months.

Charlie Skelton auf Russia Roday über Bilderberg-Konferenz in Sitges

There's a powerful organization holding a meeting in Spain, that features some of the world's most-influential politicians, bankers and even military chiefs. But you won't know what they're up to because the Bilderberg Club gets together under a veil of secrecy. Critics say it's making big, world-changing decisions behind people's backs. RT is covering the meeting near Barcelona and has spoken to Daniel Estulin, author and investigative journalist, who recently revealed his findings about the Bilderbergs to the European Parliament.

Daniel Estulin exclusive: Bilderberg are terrified!

It's a club where the movers and shakers of the world meet under a veil of secrecy. The notorious Bilderberg group made up of politicians, business leaders and other power-brokers are having their annual meeting in an exclusive Spanish resort. But who is in this Club and What's on the Bilderbergers agenda? RT is investigating.

Russia Today berichtet über die Bilderberg-Konferenz in Sitges, Spanien


Krisenvorsorge - alles was man zum Überleben der kommenden Krise braucht.

Full transcript and details of Daniel Estulin's speech in the European Parliament at http://www.danielestulin.com/ and http://www.youtube.com/europarl

Daniel Estulin, author and investigative journalist, has spoken to the European Parliament on his findings about the Bilderberg Group, a secretive and elite organization which unites some of the world's most powerful people.

Daniel Estulin spricht vor dem EU-Parlament über Bilderberg


Krisenvorsorge - alles was man zum Überleben der kommenden Krise braucht.

It's one of the world's most powerful yet secretative organisations, accused by its critics of trying to create a new world order. But a gathering of the Bilderberg club in one of Spain's most exclusive resorts is attracting unwanted attention.

Global Covert Govt Inc.: Bilderberg gather forces near Barcelona