On 9/11, the world watched as two airplanes crashed into the twin towers of the world trade center, both of which collapsed shortly after. This much we know for sure, but for some, the cause of the collapse is still not so clear. Michael T Donly is a part of a group that says the two planes that hit the WTC twin towers could not have destroyed them. (To get more - Join our new Youtube channels at

9/11 Truth Search: Planes didn't take twin towers down

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John Pilger

John Pilger

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Söhne Mannheims-Schaut euch ihre Hände an- Xavier Naidoo "Yes we come back"- heimwärts

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Xavier Naidoo singt über die Atlantik-Brücke, 911 und Gladio

Xavier Naidoo: Goldwaagen-goldwagen

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The US government does not want to have public 9/11 trials in a civilian court. Officials are doing their best to bring Khalid Sheik Mohammed to military tribunal. Manny Badillo had an uncle who was murdered by the 9/11 terrorist attack and now works for we are change. Badillo believes that the trial should be public because he says it is the only way to get the evidence out there for the public to see.

The government doesn't want 9/11 public trial

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Kurz und bündig erklärt Prof. Berger das Problem unseres Finanzsystem und warum es im Crash enden MUSS!

Warum das zinsbasierte Finanzsystem im Crash enden muss

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American journalist and Pulitzer winner Chris Hedges told RT the United States has developed a new form of corporate totalitarianism.

Chris Hedges: Fighting corporate rape of US

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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial may be moved to a military court according to the White House. Attorney General Eric Holder says that whether the trial is held in a military court or a criminal court doesnt matter. Critics say this is a sign of weakness because they say that the White House has caved into pressures from New York to move it.

9/11 plotters trial may move

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Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged.

Truth Rising

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New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault on America proves a homegrown attack. The new photos are provided by US national institute of standards and technology. There are over 2,000 new photos that have been made public. Manny Badillo says that you see an explosion from the inside, not what it has seemed to be, he says there has never been a building taken down by a plane.

New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside'

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Dass durch menschliche Unvernunft schließlich die ganze Erde radioaktiv verseucht und für Menschen unbewohnbar werden könnte, war schon vor 20 Jahren unsere große Sorge (vgl. die Betrachtung zum 20-jährigen Bestehen unserer Ringvorlesung). Diese Gefahr hat in den letzten Jahren leider noch zugenommen. Die von Atomwaffen ausgehende Gefahr ist dabei im Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit immerhin vorhanden. Viel zu wenig beachtet wird dagegen die von Atomkraftwerken ausgehende Gefahr, sei es durch Unfälle wie in Tschernobyl, sei es durch leicht mögliche Terrorakte gegen Atomkraftwerke oder auch durch die Möglichkeit kriegerischer Nutzung der für friedliche Zwecke deklarierten Atomenergie.

Offiziell totgeschwiegen wird aber die im heutigen Vortrag von Albrecht Schott nachgewiesene radioaktive Verseuchung immer größerer Gebiete der Erde durch das vom amerikanischen Militär in den letzten beiden Irak-Kriegen sowie in Bosnien und in Afghanistan (wie auch auf vielen Truppenübungsplätzen in der ganzen Welt) als panzerbrechendes und bunkerbrechendes Metall in riesigen Mengen eingesetzte abgereicherte Uran (Depleted Uranium, DU). Dieses ist als Abfallprodukt bei der Herstellung von Atombomben sowie von Brennstäben für Atomkraftwerke in großen Mengen billig verfügbar. (Die Hersteller sind sogar froh, es loszuwerden.)

Interview mit Prof. Dr. Albrecht Schott

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CIA policies that allow its agents to have a second job in private firms are to be investigated. Reports allege some of them could be moonlighting for hedge funds. Economist Max Keiser speculates how CIA skills could be implemented. (Watch the full 15th episode of the Keiser Report later on RT)

Max Keiser macht sich über CIA lustig

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The U.S. is pushing the European Parliament to approve an agreement giving American officials access to EU banking data.
Washington says the move's vital to counter terrorism, but many in Europe see it as a gross invasion of privacy.

EU-US bank data deal: Attack on terror or privacy?

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Despite being legalized nearly 40 years ago, the topic of abortion still raises huge controversy in the US, as some argue it is leading to genocide of the African-American population.

The founder of www.blackgenocide.org website, Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress Jr., has told RT that African-American women are being sold abortions.

Abortion Inc: Promoting Black Genocide in US?

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[NDR, Zapp, 20. Juni 2007]


Großer Einfluss - Die Pharma-Industrie in den Medien

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Despite being legalized nearly 40 years ago, the topic of abortion still raises huge controversy in the US, as some argue it is leading to genocide of the African-American population.

The founder of www.blackgenocide.org website, Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress Jr., has told RT that African-American women are being sold abortions.

Abortion Inc: Promoting Black Genocide in US?

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Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is back on the airwaves with new threats and warnings, but is he striking fear into the hearts of the public?

Web journalist Lori The Resident Harfenist took to the streets of New York to see what people there think.

Bin Laden back on air, but are people scared?

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Wayne Madsend joins Priya Sridhar and says that officials are now warning of new national security threats. Several top US intelligence officials have determined that an al-Qaeda attack against the United States within the next three to six months is absolutely certain.

Wird Al-Kaida demnächst die USA angreifen?

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Anger is growing among Americans - who say less money should be spent on the country's overseas military campaigns and more on tackling the country's domestic problems. U.S. congressman Dennis Kucinich, who spoke exclusively to RT's Dina Gusovsky, says America can no longer afford war-based economy.

Dennis Kucinich: US War Presidents ignore Congress & Constitution